Monday, April 17, 2006


Washing my own dishes like the he-man hunk-o-rama that I am, I had a thought. Liberal bloggers and their fellow travelers in the Reality-Based Community® a couple of weeks or so ago were quite understandably ballyhooing polls which showed that Americans now trusted Democrats more then Republicans on national defense. And that is great news because it shows that a significant number of Americans have finally woken up from the sleep of reason.

However, let us recall that members of the RBC® had, quite understandably, made lots of dirty cracks about Democratic members of congress who spent the run-up to the war patriotically lining up behind all the other lemmings and who largely still refused to question President Jesus McChimp for the longest time after it became clear that we had just pulled an en masse Wyle E. Coyote. Infuriatingly, the justification for this was that Democrats didn’t want Americans to think that they were weak. Talk about being spineless.

Horrifying irony, I think it worked. Where exactly would we be if the Democrats had stood up to the war? How much credit do you think our side would have gotten for trying to stop this debacle?

I mean, let’s face it, liberal Democrats stood up to the horror of Vietnam and our reward was to spend the next forty years having our patriotism questioned.

There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere that Democrats need to stand for something because people won’t trust us if we don’t exhibit considerably more backbone. That’s true too. But if our elected officials hadn’t acted like a bunch of cowards first, we might never have been able to play hero—well, play hero and win the latest popularity contest/poll.

So thank you, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein and maybe even that awful Joe Lieberman. Thank you for caving in to this president so we could cheer as our (mostly) young people could be marched off to kill and be killed for reasons that were bullshit. We couldn’t be in the quite fantastic political position we apparently are in today without you. Thank you and fuck off.


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